For years I followed the Christian path feeling that there was more but
didn't know what or where to look. Then one weekend I was shown the "more"
by way of a few loving people willing to share their ideas and paths, while
reassuring me that I wasn't crazy and accepting me just the way I am. They
introduced me to Goddess and my beliefs of a life time started crumbling.
Where did She come from? How does she fit into the picture? Then a book fell
on my head and I learned the twin soul concept and could finally see the
male female energy. God and Goddess equals Spirit. Once I got this through
my head I received this while meditating.

A large smooth rock was held before me which represented Christianity.
"This is your rock your foundation. It is a beautiful rock. God made this
rock." The rock was placed in a large dish with dirt in it.

Another rock was held before me which represented Buddhism. "From this you
have accepted meditation." It was placed in the dish.

More rocks were presented to me and I was shown how I have taken different
beliefs from each one. Suddenly several flowers bloomed among the rocks.
"Oh look tolerance is growing among your rocks." Poof, poof, poof
"knowledge is growing around your rocks. Again flowers grew and I was told
that love bloomed between the rocks.

The first rock (Christianity) was held before me. "You may have this rock,
it is yours. God made this rock and it is a beautiful wonderful rock." The
rock was replaced in the dish and the dish was held up to me. "Or you may
have a rock garden."

Recently when I started learning about Mother Earth and earth spirits I was
reminded to not abandon God and Goddess. Spirit doesn't take away They add to.
I hope someone can get something from this. We can all walk our own
path and talk and share experiences along the way.

BY: C.P. (A friend)